CHANGE?! is a performance project with a group of 10 actors and dancers from different cities in Belarus. During a period of four weeks Benno Voorham created a dance/theatre piece together with the performers. The piece is a devised work, using the creative input and ideas of everyone involved.
CHANGE?! is a project about going to different places, exploring new territories, imagining another existence than the one that is surrounding you. We created different stories that talked about change of life, change of dreams, change of circumstances or just change for the sake of change. A performance that is speaking about hope and despair.
CHANGE?! was created in October 2011 at the small stage of Grodno Drama Theatre. The piece was premièred on October 22 in Grodno and toured Minsk, Gomel, Mozyr and Vitebsk.
Choreographer/director: Benno Voorham
Performers: Inna Aslamova, Natalia Barsukova, Alexander Bazuk, Anastasiya Makhava, Eygenya Romanovich, Sergey Sauko, Dimitry Tsishko, Alena Zayats and Benno Voorham (performance in Gomel)
Producer: Alexander Tebenkov
Produced by LAVA-Dansproduktion
Supported by the Swedish Institute and European Cultural Foundation